
Advert Analysis Media Product


Media Language: In the beginning, there was a scene of a dad holding his newborn baby and a smooth transition over the camera technique over the object showing the next approximately five years old the newborn has grown up playing with their family. The children were playing sort of miniature house toy and the zoom-in camera shot to the door with a smooth transition to the next scene where the door in toys becomes the real door and the door opened by the graduated child and the property of the graduation hat was thrown and the transition over the sky to show that the child is grown up and has entered a new chapter which a marriage. And there is a transition of a man by changing the hair color tone to the older look to show that Sequis's product can be used for unlimited time.

Audiences: The advert seems to target a more specific type of people in the family of all races and social classes. This type of analogy concept advert allows all ages to understand what the producer is trying to convey. 

Representation: The main character was the baby being held by the father where which represents the dependent group of people. And then the next scene is followed by the grown-up baby shown in the advert also to represent the teenage class. After that, the graduated woman opening the door is shown to represent the adult. In the next scene, it's shown the married couple dancing and there is a transition where the man's hair color is changing from black to white where which is showing that the product can suit all ages.   


Media Language: In the beginning, the cameraman used the medium shot to interview the children about his mother and father. There was this second scene where the child was riding a bicycle with his dad. And the close shot shows that the bicycle's chain is broken. Back to the medium shot to show they are trying to fix the bicycle but they didn't manage to fix the bicycle where his dad trying to be reliable for his kid. Finally, in the third scene, the child and the father bring the bicycle to the garage, and the bicycle is fixed. Then moving to the different big idea where there was a medium close-up shot to show his mother is talented in drawing. One day his mom tried to make the child happy by decorating his room unfortunately she didn't manage to finish the decoration well. Finally, she told someone to come to decorate the child's room nicely. Then moving to the next scene with the same set as the beginning where this time their family is also being interviewed and said  "So Mainstay means always there when needed and knows when to rely on others. Make your dreams and aspirations come true with Manulife". Their target audience is family as the costume for all the actors is simple and casual to show a harmonious and modest family trying to become a mainstay to make sure their family is happy.

Audiences: The target audience for the advert would mainly be families from all classes and all races. This type of interview video and short film concept would easily be understood by people in the independent groups (from age 20 to 40 above). 

Representation: In the beginning, it started with the children's interview interviewing about his dad. The next scene is followed by the son and the father cycling together which represent the family part. Another part to strengthen that this is a family advert there is also the scene where his mom was painting and decorating the room.


The cinematographer used the point-of-view shots, in the beginning, to convey what the actor is feeling as "the world is shaky" with the help of their acting to slowly faint. Moving to the second scene, the transition fade to white and fade again, where low angle and point of view shots are used to show that the actor is going to be taken to the emergency room from the hospital hallway. The lamp is very bright to convince us that the faint actor is in hospital. In the 3rd scene where pan camera shot is used to show the family picture frame. And the particular scene about their family celebrating their birthday was shown and quickly move back to the hospital scene with a fade transition as the birthday scene tells the faint actor's memories. Onto the second big idea where there was a man giving a cup of coffee where usually uses in lots of movies to make an opening or introduce a new actor. The new actor plays a specific role as a man who helps the father and the faint woman for finishing the hospital bills. Moving on to the third big idea where the high camera angle shows her hands attached to the infuser moving to show that the faint actor gets a second chance to be back to her family. In the final scene where she was facing a mirror in the hospital and finally the last scene her husband pulled her into a wheelchair. Their target audience is also family as the opening scene was started with two couples where facing as they are having a serious talk. There was an emotional scene from the pan camera shot showing the family pictures.

Audiences: The target audience would most likely be the family from all ethnicities and social classes. This type of emotional storytelling concept can be understood and draws empathy from people of all ages so it's possible to be all ages but the main specific target audience is the audience who have families since the background of the main characters in the advert was family.

Representation: The main character where the mother who suddenly fainted and the next scene she was being hospitalized to the emergency room and there were scenes showing her past memories about having the family time. This means that the advert represents the family on large scale

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