

Post modernism is the rejection of modernism and the ideology of nothing is original in the realm of media and even the prosumers trying to create new contents they unintentionally took references from previous contents hence everything has inevitably become a copy of copy. According to him the reality is divided into two which the actual reality and heightened reality. Heightened reality is when media products are adapted to more intense but with obvious connection to reality. Baudrillard suggested that we no longer able to distinguish between what is real and artificial. As hyper reality is when media products are filled with simulacra - representation of reality, that attempt to served reality. It is difficult to determine whether it's real or fake because they are often packaged in the same way.  

Heightened reality

The docuseries The Last Dance featuring on NBA legend Michael Jordan can be considered as Heightened reality such as the Old montage of the NBA final, Location, Audience reaction. 

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