
Component 3 - Weekly progress & Plan

 Here is the weekly progress for my project. I have also included rough plan



Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(13 Feb)

Deadline (Tuesday 13th February)





Reflection: The weekly progress really helps me in journaling the progress of my project where by this I can see what is my task list and what should be done. Moreover, by mentioning my problem every week really helps me to reflect on why that problem occurs and how to solve the problem and with this I am more ready and swift to solve the problem or prevent these problems from happening again in the future.

Week 1

In this week we were being brief on the music video project and we do some smalls research on music video and we were asked to analyse about what do you like about the music video.

Week 2

In this week we were discussing about what Social Issues can we put into music video and discussing about an artist brand image. I continued on my Big research even deeper to really understand how to visualise lyrics into picture so we can apply it for our project

Week 3 

- Analysed another artist in terms of branding
- Started Statement of Intent
- Decided a song (Oceans & Engines by NIKI)
- Discussion of potential concept
- Being brief about what should be avoided in our component 3
- I decided to change the format of my weekly progress to be more reflective

Problems: I'm not really sure for the psychographics for my music video as it's quite abroad
Solution: Try some research specifically about the song and consult with my teacher
To-Do: Statement of Intent, Finish Research

Week 4

- Brainstorming ideas for scenes
- Creating collaborative mood board
- Stage name discussion
- Developing concept for music video
- Demonstrating Lip sync video
- Finishing Statement on intent
- Finishing researches

Problems: Still struggling to consider the name and making sure that our potential cast wanted to be in the music video
Solution: We will discuss this with our teacher and maybe creating a consent to keep our artist a line with our project timeline
To-do: Storyboard, Finalise casts, Finalise stage/singer name

Week 5

- Finalise cast

Problems: we have a misunderstanding about what will the storyline and what kinds of scenes and how the narrative will go as three of us have a completely different ideas for the music video
Solution: We decided to do all the ideas as a back up plan and select which one would be approriate
To-do: Storyboard, Finalise stage name, scouting places, finalise storyline

Week 6

Problems: One of our member sick so my partner can't express their idea and we can't share our discussion to him as I'm afraid if he's not in the same boat with me and the rest of the team member where my partner who is sick should try to catch up with our discussion 
Solution: We can communicate what we discuss through Whatsapp
To-do: Scouting locations, storyboard, Actors selection

Week 7

Problems: How to upload a pdf into blogpost
Solution: I search on Youtube for tutorial 
To-Do: Scouting locations, storyboard, actors selection 

Term 3

Plan: Finalise locations, start production

Semester 2

Week 1

This week we begin the project session after 1 month school break. We changed our blog theme as the Cambridge suggest us to. We also do some risk assessment and location assessment where we list the description of the location, pros and cons, and potential risk. I also receive some feedback from my teacher regarding the blog. We also contacted our actors in other to let us know on which day they are available and free

Problem: We need to figure out solution if there is rain and very hot temperature during the production day as our location relies heavily on weather

Solution: I scouted the location and we also discuss another alternative such as finishing other things jsut in case everything goes wrong

- Start shooting

Week 2

In this week start to create filming schedule and starting contacting our actors and cast regarding the shooting. I also started to communicate for each person who is in charge of the location. We also start to create Whatsapp group for better communication

Problems: one of our main director Nadine is absent as she is the head of the scenes so it will be thought in creating the film schedule

Solution: We decided to keep on contact with her in other for us to be on the thought for the schedule and we discuss this also with our artist

- finish creating film schedule 
- Start discovering essentials in e commerce

Week 3

In this week we proceed to finish one of the scenes and do more discussion about what will the next scenes will look like. In this week we also begin to research on Digipak and social media page for our artist

Problem: one of our member car which my car got crashed by a sloppy biker so it will delay the production process as it's the main transportation that we have

Solution: We try to borrow our friends car and I encourage my friend to be more careful in driving and more aware

- Finish parking scene
- Start doing some photoshoot

Week 4

In this week we manage to finish another shots and we also started to do our self reflection

Problem: heavy rain where it's impossible to do the production since the location we use is outdoor

Solution: we decided to move to the next day for our production and keep on checking the weather

- Begin Self Reflection
- Begin Editing scenes

Week 5

In this week finish 80% of the production process and we started to designing our digipack and some editing for the music video

Problem: Since the beach scene was very cloudy we weren't able to capture the sunset

Solution: We decided to edit it since our actor is very busy with her schedule

- Create Social Media Account
- Finishing touch for Digipack
- Finalise music video editing

Week 6
In this week we lost some lesson because of election but we still manage to keep up the positive trend of our production process

- Finish Social media
- Finish Music Video
- Finish Digipack

The progress of our Compenent 3 project in general remained stable, and we were able to keep all our tasks on track and keep on schedule even there are some aspect that we delay because certain external effect. Overall, despite the problems that we faced throughout the shooting process, I am proud that as a team we were able to rise above them and find the solutions to those problems using our own innovations and plans. This helped us stay ahead of ourselves and not fall behind schedule, despite the pressures that may have led us into doing so. This progress report to me has been useful in outlining each week the problems we encountered, what we should do, as well as keeping an organized list of things to finish as soon as possible, which has helped me keep myself, as well as my teammates organized.

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Component 3 - Final Piece

 This Blog is written by me (Theo) Music Video: In case the video got any copyright issue here is the link to the music video Digipack: Fron...