
Critical Self-Reflection ( Movie Poster)

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Conventions are the desired things that audiences expect to see in the media product. Before making the poster I did a detailed research to find out my generic conventions. Our poster is based on plot and the setting will be in the movie. Instead of doing any experiment we tried to follow the conventions in the narrative. Our genre is ‘thriller-psychology’. The first convention we used is close-up shot in the poster. We use artificial lighting in order to perfect the lighting of ¾ angle to the model we use as the main character. Our poster represents the typical stereotypes and stigma. We showed our character in shabby, gloomy and dark clothes who belong to the lower class. By implementing the mise-en-scene(the editing) and convention we can make sure audiences are willing to dig deeper about the movie soon and the audience may relate to the typical stereotype. In our poster we use the code colour red for our title within a large font size to convey dominance, violence and rage. Also to enhance the audience's first impression about what will happen in the movie. We’re targeting adults-middle aged people of middle-upper social class and of any ethnicity. This is because most thriller films have quite complex plot lines and are usually for more mature audiences. In this case, teens/kids will most likely not be able to fully understand the plots and narratives of a thriller film, and the scenes shown will most likely contain 18+ content. Thus it would be better to target an older and more mature demographic for the thriller genre. All products represent some social issue faced by some group of people. By the following codes and conventions I can make my targeted audience relate to the theme of our movie in the poster media. However we tried to challenge conventions as we don’t include women in our poster.

2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

In order to engage with our audience, we decided to use social networking applications (twitter and tiktok). Recently Tiktok and Twitter have gained popularity and it was crucial to have an account on Tiktok. In order to spread the audience awareness, Twitter and Tiktok enable the traffic in social-media audiences since people of all ages use it. Twitter has a trending page feature through which people are able to see the trending the latest topic; and what people from all over the world are discussing about. Furthermore there are hashtags through which potential trends can be started. We can utilise the facility like ‘retweet’ and ‘favourite’ to share our company film’s tweets on our own accounts so that our friends and followers can read more about our tweets. Tiktok has the algorithm of showing the audience's preference content since audiences in Tiktok pages allow you to scroll the content if they don’t prefer certain contents. By collecting this kind of data the algorithm will show preferred contents to specific audiences. By this data analysis we are able to promote our movie to specific audiences thus spreading awareness. Tiktok also allows you to sponsor your posts and engage viewers which also helps in marketing certain products in an effective way. On Tiktok you can only post videos; but on Twitter you are able to post photos and links which makes promoting more efficient. But when one person likes or shares something it automatically appears on either their friend’s or follower’s feeds. Some people may get intrigued and share those posts which create a chain reaction thus promoting it even further.This kind of marketing strategy is very cost effective and is sure to work in our favour. This way a huge percentage of the population will have easy access to our film and we will engage the target audiences into viewing our work. We decided to choose Universal pictures under the NBCuniversal Film and Entertainment as the distributor of our media product. As it is one of the well known media institutions in the world who has been in the film industry since 1912. Movies like jurassic world, fast and furious and fifty shades of grey that have been evolving around our society are commonly distributed by this company. Universal picture has wide access to broadcast around every national television channel. I would also showcase our films in the Jakarta Independent Film Festival(JIFF) organized by HF Productions' Indonesian branch, an international production company run by a collective of independent filmmakers, producers, and marketing professionals. It screened both local and international films. This platform can be a stepping stone for new independent filmmakers like us to get our poster movie recognized and distributed. If our poster sparks the interest of the audiences and proves successful in engaging with them, then it will stand a greater chance of a potential movie audience and being distributed by local and international distributors across cinemas. These are the strategies for the distribution of our film as a real media text.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

I would definitely say that my production skills have developed throughout the course. This is because I have learned how to manage and work with new software such as Photoshop and premiere pro which I otherwise would not have used and not been shown to. Also, I feel as though I have become more confident with software such as Photoshop as I now know how to complete other changes in the application like copying a section from one area of the image to then pasting over onto another, which I had to use in both poster and film production. Photoshop has extremely numerous features for image editing software. Some of its powerful tools like photo gradient curve and rendering allow me to not only adjust brightness in pictures but also add special effects. Premier pro also has extremely countless useful features where you can manipulate every scene as you wish. I also learned about cinematography and I am confident that my camera skills have improved since I learned how by capturing moments people can interact with the media product. The camera was the main tool to capture my model for my poster movie. I wasn't even new to photography. I use a mirrorless camera as it is easy to carry and the camera allows you to transfer pictures to your computer device easily.

4. How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project?

For my project, I used a lot of different software. One of the main software that I use is Adobe Photoshop. I used Adobe Photoshop to design our movie poster. Since keeping a journal is important I use Blogger to keep up on my progress during the project to be organized and keep all the work. I also use lots of hardware devices. I use my iPhone and HP spectre laptop. I use my iPhone 12 to communicate and sometimes explore using different settings such as portrait mode for photography. I used my MacBook for making the movie poster in photoshop and also to email myself some of the photos from my phone to drag them to the project. I also utilize some online resources such as different websites to help me with my project. The two main websites that I used were youtube and google search engine to look up articles for inspiration for my poster and for an idea on how to start my critical self-reflection by observing previous students and their products

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