
Component 3 - Screenplay and Story Board

This blogpost (written by me, Theo) contains the timeline development on our music video and the screen play

Timeline Development:
We started listing our ideas and fitting our brainstorming about the scene by annotating the scene side by side with the the lyrics, pre chorus, chorus and bridge. This rough annotation will make it easier for us to understand the big idea of each parts of the song hence for me(Theo) as the producers can do the production effectively and organize.

Together, we created this lyrics sheet, which certainly assisted us come to a conclusion on the shots and provided us with ideas for the specifics of the scenes, the planning, and the equipment we would need. We are able to create a better and more comprehensive storyboard as a result of this information.


The screenplay was written by me and this will give more detail and better understanding for both actors and the production team

At first I was thinking that we only need beat sheet as it's more useful in making music video which all I got to do is just creating a table side to side for certain portion of duration and the scene but turns out after making the screenplay also very useful from the production field side especially me as the cameraman to understand what angle to use


The timeline, screenplay and storyboard is very crucial in the pre production phase as this medium aligns our idea properly. The storyboard visualized each scene, guiding our narrative seamlessly. It ensured everyone understood our vision. Meanwhile, the timeline helped manage resources efficiently and anticipate challenges. Flexibility was key as we adapted to unexpected hurdles. This experience underscored the importance of meticulous planning balanced with creative flexibility. Moving forward, I'll continue prioritizing detailed storyboards and timelines while remaining adaptable to ensure smooth productions.

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Component 3 - Final Piece

 This Blog is written by me (Theo) Music Video: In case the video got any copyright issue here is the link to the music video Digipack: Fron...