
How New Media (Video Games) impact media consumption

Video Games /ˈvidēō ˌɡām/

a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen.

Arcade games like pong and Pac man existed long ago in the arcade era. In around 1980s arcade games were usually single slayer and could be played at arcade centers. Compare to modern video games that some of us play today, they can be played anywhere, anytime, as long as a player has a stable internet connection. This has made video games more accessible and more popular where games like Fornite, released by Epic Games LTD, in 2017, a free-to-play battle royale game genre have had over 350 million downloads over the last 5 years. This can be attributed to mainly how easy it is to download the game, simply having to click buttons on a computer. 

Another thing we can look at is the evolution of branches in video games. As previously mentioned, games in the 80s - 90s were quite unpleasing to look at. No more than 10.000 prtels were usually shown on screen, for eternal like Mano. Compare to overwatch, released in 2016 by Blizzard Entertainment, has been rated by critics and fans to have one of the best graphics out of any video games of the shooter genre. This evolution in graphics and visuals has influenced audiences to become more appealed to video games because the video games nowdays follow the prefered reading(engage the audience better than the arcades games where its to boring). 

News Value

All news sources have their own news agendas. These dictate the stories that receive top priority in the broadcast, edition, site/app. Some of these news value can be adapted to specific sectors such as entertainment magazines, celebrity magazines, fashion and trend-based websites. Their ideology may be very different to a mainstream news provider. News providers of all kinds select the news that they believe to be most relevant to their audiences in order to maintain them. This is sometimes offset against the demands of ownership and control as well as advertisers.

News stories are selected based on;

1. Negativity

Hard’ News - bad news will almost always be prioritised.

2. Proximity

Things that happen close to home (domestic news) or that involve people from a local area.

3. Recency 

“Breaking News’

4. Currency

The ‘value’ of a story. If it is useful for people. 

5. Continuity

Stories that are likely to continue for a long time.

6. Simplicity

The easier the story is to understand, the better. 

7. Personality

Often ‘soft’ news surrounds personalities in whom the public has an interest eg. Royal family, celebrities, athletes

8. Uniqueness

If a story is unusual or surprising 

9. Expectedness

Includes diary events - things that happen at a particular time of the year. 

10. Elite nations/people

Western societies such as European countries and the USA will tend to dominate the news. 

11. Exclusivity

When a news channel has footage or information that is not yet in possession of others. 

12. Threshold

How many people are impacted on by an event.

This is the article choices from the website news (  They mainly talk about Recency - the two young talent went to the PSSI office (persatuan sepak bola seluruh Indonesia) Indonesia's soccer association about defending Indonesia's national soccer team. The recency category is also conveyed by personal cases such as accident or suicide cases.

This is website of New York Times - An international news. This time, New York Times also mostly explain about recency. This can be seen by the recent article - ""Boris Johnson Drops Bid to Return as U.K Prime Minister". This Article illustrate about 



A stereotype is a pre-conceived generalisation of a particular person or group. Sociologists believe it is essential to examine media portrayals as they can explain why we have ingrained stereotypes in society. Stereotyping is a large part of media representation



- Traditional

- Antique

- Ancient

- Stubborn

- Conservative

- Knowledgeable

- Wise

- Physically weak

- Strong-willed

- Stuck in the past confirms old


- Howard Stark (civil war)

- Charles the savior (x men)

- Uncle Ben (spiderman) no way home (2021)

Subverts Old

• Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)

• Wolverine (old version) (X-men origins)

• Dumbledore (Harry Porter)


• Millennial

• Technological

• Unstable

• Open-minded

• Emotional

• Adventurous

• Productive

• Ambitious


- America Chavez (Doctor Strange MoM)
- Ronald Wesley (Harry Porter)
- Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
- Enola Holmes (Enola Holmes)

Subverts Young:

- Han Ji Pyeong - Young Ver (Start-Up)

Radio Glossary


Ad is an abbreviation for advertisement. Usually, it's a recorded piece of audio to promote a business or event.

An ad-lib or ad-libbing is when a presenter improvises. Ad-libbing is a common practice when something goes wrong like the show is disturbed or there is a technical difficulty.

AM - Amplitude Modulation
This broadcast signal varies the amplitude of the carrier wave. It is used by AM broadcast stations and requires an AM receiver. The AM frequency range is 530 to 1710 kHz.

Software or equipment, like mixers and soundboards, loaded with pre-set audio to automate shows. Often these sounds are controlled by a computer to ensure accurate and repeatable audio.

Average Audience
The approximate number of listeners you will reach in any given quarter hour of the station and time zone selected.

Back Announce
Back announcing is when a presenter talks about a song that has just played.

Back Time
Back timing is the technique of working out how much time is left before an event. For example, if a DJ's show is going to end, they work out the right length of a song to ensure they don't finish too early or overrun.

In terrestrial radio, bandwidth is the range of the broadcasting equipment. In internet radio, bandwidth is the amount of data consumed by listeners.

Audio that is used to talk over by the DJ. Usually, it's part of a jingle or segment between tracks to keep a flow.

A song, music, or another element that signals a transition to or from commercial breaks.

Call sign - call letters
The unique designation of transmitter broadcast stations. In the United States, they generally start with the first letter K west of the Mississippi River and W east of the Mississippi. Older stations may have only a three letter designation while newer ones have four letters. Stations must announce their call sign on the top of each hour and when signing on or off the air for stations that don't broadcast 24 hours per day.

Clean Feed
An audio stream that is free from interference like sounds from external equipment.

Cue is the beginning of a track. It's often used as a mark to prepare before starting something, for example, a presenter about to do a live show.

Cuts are small segments in a radio show.

Day Parts
Day parts mean the different times of the day you can run an ad campaign. Two major days parts on the radio are for morning shows (usually 6am-9am) and evening shows (4pm-7pm).

Dead Air
On-air silence when there is an error made by the staff or due to equipment failure.

Delay Unit
A device used to delay a show before it broadcasts, normally used during phone calls as a way to cut offensive language before it transmits.

DJ or Disk Jockey

A radio announcer who plays music on air.

A jingle that starts with singing, music in the middle, and singing again at the end.

Drive time
The rush hour commuter periods when radio stations usually have their largest audience. Ad rates are highest for drive time.

Fade In
The audio level of a track gradually becomes louder until it reaches its proper level. Fade ins are commonly used for smoother transitions to segue into a new track or DJ segment.

Fade Out
The audio level of a track gradually becomes quieter until it disappears altogether. Fade outs are commonly used for smoother transitions to segue into a new track or DJ segment.

Hit the Post
An expression DJs use to describe talking up to the point when the lyrics begin without "stepping" on the beginning of the vocals.

A short audio clip played on a radio show used for promotion. Sponsors or advertisers use jingles between tracks, usually accompanied with voice-overs and sound effects to engage listeners.

The first sentence of a news story, which should concisely reveal the story's basic events and provide an introduction to the details given in the rest of the story.

Links are sandwiched in between songs, usually featuring info about what's up next, news, or competitions.

Over Running
When a track or DJ exceeds the expected finish time.

An illegal practice of taking payment or other benefits to play certain songs on the radio and not identifying the sponsorship. Payola scandals have been common in the radio broadcast industry from the 1950s to the early 2000s. As playlists are now rarely chosen by the DJs themselves and are delivered pre-recorded by companies, there is less opportunity for payola.

The list of songs that a station has arranged and will play.

Short for promotion, a promo is a form of advertisement.

Radio Format
The type of music and programming broadcast by a radio station. These can include news, talk, sports, country, contemporary, rock, alternative, urban, classical, religious, or college.

Radio Frequency (RF)
A signal for which an AM/FM radio station is broadcast on.

A written piece for the presenter to read during the show.

A term used to describe the transition from one track to another. Segues are often presenters introducing the next track or talking about what's to come next during the show.


To join or edit audio together.

A commercial.

Sound Effects (SFX)
Noises played during shows to add a layer of creativity, like car horns, lightning, and footsteps.

A branded radio station jingle played between two tracks.

Target Audience Demographic
The age group and make-up of the audience that you target and wish to receive your product or service message. For information on figuring out your target audience demographics, check out our article here.

A brief phrase is spoken immediately before playing a spot, songs, etc. to tell the listener about a story coming up later.

Radio Project - Radio Room Tour

In today's lesson, we were told to send 2 people from our group to be given a tour and explanation on how to use our school's podcast room, which we can use for the recording of our Radio Show. So we decided that Maxi and Timo go on the radio room tour while me and satria will do the jingle development. They reported that they learned the differences between different types our school's of inputs and cables like Headphone jacks, all combo jacks, etc. We learned about different types of microphones specifically condenser and dynamic microphones that use XLR cables to connect to an Audio Mixer or interface, which then connects to a computer, phone, etc. Condenser microphones require Phantom Power that can be received from audio interfaces or mixers. Condenser microphones detect and receive audio inputs from all sides of the microphones while dynamic microphones detect audio from only 1 side of the microphone, usually the top.

Here is a video of a teacher explaining the equipment: Wario Teaches a class on how to use Audio Equipment

Picture creds to Maxi

What We Do In The Shadows (2019) - Binary Opposites & 5 Narrative Codes

The first episode 'Pilot' introduces us to the show's main characters, Nandor, Laslo, and Colin the vampires, and what they do. Another main character is a normal human but a slave which is Guillermo. They awaken the strong vampire Baron who commands our main vampires to rule their home area, Staten island.

Premiere Date: Mar 27, 2019
Genre: Comedy
Executive producers: Jemaine Clement, Paul Simms, Taika Waititi, Scott Rudin, Garrett Basch, Eli Bush, Stefani Robinson

Actual vs mythology 

Nandor as the main character was introduced as a vampire, mythology beings live by eating the essence of other's life. They tend to be immortal as they are legend. unlike Guillero who is an actual being where we can see in our everyday life. We can see that they are weak and have no special ability compared to the mythology.

Modern vs Traditional

you will witness the contrast between traditional Victorian vampires stuck in their old-fashioned ways and the world around them that has evolved and evolved far more are featured heavily throughout the episode, such as paying with a credit card, traveling by car, and so on.

Master vs Slave

This pair of opposites is obviously shown in the beginning of the episodes where Nandor owns the Guillero figure. This is further supported by the way Guillero serves his master Nandor. Guillero seems to be afraid of  his master and show some respect. Guillerpo would do anything to serve Nandor. Compare to Nandor who is fearless, self centered and confident. The producer obvioulsy convey this opposite binary

The narrative codes that are used include:

Proairetic code

We can see that in the beginning of the episodes the coffin was open by it self and a character was risen from the coffin which make the audience questioning "what will he do after risen from his coffin?" "are they going to plan something?".

Hermeneutic code

The hermeneutic code was used was the suspense and mystery created by wanting to know "What's in the letter?", "Who's being kept in the basement?", and "Who is the Baron?"

The hermeneutic code featured throughout the episode involves

Semantic code

Semantic code that is incorporated in the episode includes the heavy accent that all the vampires speak in, showing they are different from others or unique.

Symbolic code

Symbolic code is shown throughout the episode quite frequently the vampire wears the same clothes all the time, vampires suck blood with their fangs, can turn into a bat, are unable to be touched by the sunlight, and wear capes. All this code has been built up over a decade within lots of media.

Cultural code

The cultural codes that one must understand before indulging in the episode/show heavily relate to the concepts and ideas of vampires. The vampire culture has existed for over a century ever since the first vampire stories were created. Thus, to understand the plotline, and the characters themselves, one must have a conceptual idea of what vampires are like from media such as the Twilight series, the Hotel Transylvania series, Dracula, Vampire diaries, etc. The ideas of what vampires look like, the fact that they drink blood, can turn into bats, etc, would not make sense unless you are familiarized with the cultural codes of vampires created throughout the last century.

Personal Identity - DAVID GAUNTLETT

Voque: Hyea W Kang

The media has an important but complicated relationship with identities. There are many different and conflicting media messages that people can use to reflect on their identity and expressions, even in traditional media. People in the modern world are expected to make decisions about their identity and lifestyle. We can see this in the example of the success of “folk feminism” and the increased representation of diverse sexualities has created a
world in which the meaning of gender, sexuality and identity is becoming ever more open.

The intended audience is young women and girls, who are likely to be influenced by what they witness in the media - they are still searching for their own identity at their young age -, and how the media represents them, in this case, young women. For instance, a women’s magazine, as seen in all the examples above, could influence how a young woman’s mindset would change and develop, resulting in an unrealistic and unachievable beauty standard for young women nowadays. This could have a great impact on young women’s identities, simply through the power of media.

How has the identity been constructed?
Kim Jisoo and Bae Suzy become symbolizes women power, independent and sassy girl. This identities are shown by the outfit they wear,

Radio Project - Radio Survey Results

These images show the results from a survey we gave to high school students in Bali, as our target demographic was mainly high school students. Here is the Link to said survey.

From these results, we found that the vast majority of people surveyed used the social media app TikTok (Image 2).

This helped determine the types of songs to use on the radio show. Since most videos posted on TikTok contain songs, we decided it would be best to play popular songs on the app. This is most effective in attracting a high school student target his users. I confirmed this by asking the question, "Which artists do you listen to/like?" This confirmed the prediction that most people are listening to the popular artist's songs on his TikTok made with songs/audio. (Photo 7) Another question starts with, "What is your favorite program on the school radio station?" We found that most students wanted to hear school gossip segments that included interviews with students. This led us into making a school gossip segment. (Image 5) Lastly, the question of "what language would you prefer the radio to be in?" Showed us most students want the radio to be in English, which is what we ended up doing as it is more likely to be understood by more people, and thus able to reach a vaster audience than if we were to use Indonesian. (Image 6)


A jump cut is when a single shot is broken with a cut that makes the subject appear to jump instantly forward in time. Whereas most editing techniques are designed to "hide" the edit, a jump cut is a stylistic choice that makes the edit completely visible.

Some filmmakers believe jump cuts are inherently bad because they call attention to the constructed and edited nature of the film. They are seen as a violation to typical continuity editing, which seeks to give a seamless appearance of time and space to the story.

A jump cut differs from a match cut in that the latter aims to create a seamless transition between two separate scenes. The usual goal of a match cut is to draw a metaphorical comparison between two different objects, subjects, or settings.

Radio Project - Scripting and Drafting



Minute 1-2 : Introduction and greetings

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 2.5: School News (What happened in the day, what's going to happen tomorrow)

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 3-5: Song 1

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 6: Intermission and school gossip segment

Minute 7: School gossip

Minute 8: Interview with person associated with gossip

Minute 9-10: Interview

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 11-12: Song 2

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 13-14: Song 3

Transition (Jingle)

Minute 15: Closing



Maxi: Good afternoon Regents School! My name is Maxi from grade 11

Timo: And my name is Timo from Grade 11

Maxi & Timo: And we are your RegentsX Radio hosts!

Timo: We hope everyone has been having a good day so far and that you’re all doing okay!

Maxi: Indeed, but first of all I would just like to give some appreciation to how good my friend Timo here looks! Like you look absolutely stunning today brother

Timo: (laughs) yeah what a shame there isn't a video segment to show you guys listening at home how dapper i look.

Maxi: Truly a shame, however today's radio segment won't just be talking about how good timo looks

Timo: Yes, today we have our school gossip segment with a very very special guest!

Maxi: Think you’ll all be very surprised when they come on!

Timo: Before that though let’s start with all the news you may have missed today at school.


(School News)

Maxi: Today, on the 9th of November was Blind date with a book day! Hope everyone had fun reading as we continue on with the spirit of book week. Rain poured heavily as expected as Bali is currently experiencing a heavy monsoon season. Practice for the basketball teams have been moved from the court to the gym while football team practice has been cancelled. Furthermore we would like to wish our basketball teams the best of luck as they participate in the highly anticipated JB cup! You got this guys! This week we have our SMA boys team competing against Taman Rama Jimbaran for the 3rd place position on Thursday at 5 PM! Dont miss out! And the day before that we’ll have our SMA girls team also competing for 3rd place against SLK on wednesday at 4, we hope to see you all there and cheer us on!

And don't forget that tomorrow is the culmination of book week as we have our costume parade! Bring your best costumes and your book spirit as the fashion show gives your classes chances to win big prizes! And most importantly, remember to have fun! Now, a song that seems to have captured the generation by storm, Do I Wanna Know, by The Arctic Monkeys!


Plays song: Do I Wanna Know - Arctic monkeys


(School Gossip Segmment)

Timo: Do I Wanna Know… that song definitely makes me feel some type of way. On that note, to all of you listening at home, the weather has been quite chilly recently. Why don’t we warm ourselves up with some steaming hot quote on quote “tea” or in other words gossip. Without further ado lets move right on to our gossip segment!

Timo: So, Maxi, is there any tea in particular that you’ve heard of recently?

Maxi: Well Tim, the hottest tea that i can think of would probably be some heatted tea about current relationships right now at school

Timo: Oooh yeah, i've heard alot about that going on recently, pretty sure our basketball team captain Dyfan just got out of a pretty bad breakup

Maxi: Yeah ive sure heard alot about that too!

Dyfan (interrupting - awkwardly): Uhm, hey guys

Maxi: Oh my god, would you look at that! if it isn't Dyfan himself!

Timo: Wow! we totally didn't know you were here the whole time and you definitely suddenly just appeared in the room with us!

Maxi: Totallyyy, anyway Dyf, i don't think you need an introduction but just in case anyone listening DOESN'T know you are, how about you introduce yourself to us

Dyfan: Introduction

Tim: Alright, thank you for that introduction Dyf, but moving on though lets start from the beginning, who is this story about

Dyfan: Introduces girl

Maxi: Wow, so what made you guys break up? What happened?

Dyf: answers

Tim: Oh Jeez, what made you feel like that?

Dyf: Answers

Tim: Well, i think that's all the time we have for today's gossip segment, without further ado let's go right back to our songs!


Tim: Wow, that was some hot tea! Moving on, a song that has garnered massive popularity on TikTok, lets have Sex, Drugs, Etc, by Beach Weather

Plays song: Sex Drugs Etc - Beach Weather


Timo: (as the song comes to an end, music is edited to become quieter as Timo talks over the song): And before our final song of the day, let's have a word from our sponsor, the Orange Canteen


Timo: Ever feel like school lunch has become repetitive? Like you're eating the same boring food over and over and over again? Well fear no longer because the Orange Canteen has just the solution for you! Choose from a variety of foods like Chicken Katsu, Chicken Karaage, Nasi Campur, Nasi Rawon, Curry, and more! And to top it all off, every Friday we have a free food special! Come over and get a free portion of soup along with every purchase you make!

What are you waiting for? Come order from the Orange Canteen today!


Timo: Now, for our final song of the day we have Childish Gambino’s funky, yet rhythmic sensation, Me and Your Mama!


Plays song: Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino


Maxi: (as the song comes to an end, music is edited to become quieter as Maxi talks over the song) Wow, that song just never gets old… Well guys, we wish we could keep playing some more of these days’ hot hits but unfortunately, as some of us may know more than others, all good things must come to an end.

Timo: Real. So real. Like Maxi has said, thank you to everyone who has tuned in this far, we appreciate you all.

Maxi: But don't be too demoralised, because we'll be back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 5 PM!

Timo: See you guys there!

Maxi: Without further ado, I’m Maxi

Timo: And I’m Timo

Maxi & Timo: And this was RegentsX, With Maxi And Timo!

Radio Draft

Radio Project - Show Research Concept

(Credit to Maxi and Timothy) 

Radio Name: RegentsX Fm

Demographic: Gen Z/Regents Students (15-18 years old). In general, our target demographic would be people who use the social media app TikTok. 

Concept/Format: Due to our audience being mainly young people, the concept we have decided to use would be a talk show/interview based radio show.

Presenters: The radio show will have 2 presenters as that was the most frequently answered option. This will make it easier to stay away from dead air as the presenters can find a multitude of topics to talk about and keep the show interesting.

Segments: Firstly we will want to have a segment about school gossip as it was the most requested segment in our survey. More specifically, we will have the people/person involved with the gossip come on the show and share their side of the story and will answer questions.

Next, we would want a news segment talking about school news i.e. what events are going on in the next few weeks/what's going to happen throughout the day, like if there's going to be a university seminar, or if there'll be heavy rain and sports will have to be canceled.

Songs: The songs that will be played will be mainly the most popular songs used on the aforementioned social media app TikTok. Based on our survey, results showed that 100% of the survey takers use TikTok. The genre of songs will mostly be pop/indie/alternative rock. The songs that we are planning to use include the shortened/radio edit versions of some of the most used songs on the app like: 

Do I Wanna Know - Arctic Monkeys

Sex, Drugs, Etc. - Chit Chat

Me and Your Mama - Childish Gambino

Ad: There will be an advertisement segment for one of the food stalls in the school canteen promoting their food/menu. Our advertisement will be for the Orange Stall.

(Credit to Maxi and Timothy)

Radio Project - Diary


Week 1 - 3/10/22

This week we learned about representation theory and how people & groups are represented in the media. Next, we decided our Radio project groups and created a research survey that will be sent out to other students to gain information on our target audience/demographic.

Week 2 - 10/10/22

This week we learnt about jump cuts and stereotypes and how they're created in the media. Furthermore, we've decided the name of our radio show (RegentsX FM), the format of the show, the songs were going to play, and the segments were going to have.

Week 3 - 17/10/22

This week we learnt about narrative codes, identity theory, and binary opposites. More importantly, we moved on to the script making portion of our radio show to create an idea of what will be said on the show. After that, we started working on our jingle and testing our voices by recording a draft of the introduction on a phone.

Week 4 - 25/10/22

This week we learnt about news agendas and how and why the news portrays things the way they do. We also learnt how to use radio equipment like microphones, mixers, and editing software through a crash course a teacher provided us.

Week 5 - 1/11/22

This week we learnt about the impact of new technologies on Media, and started recording our radio show and designed our logo.

Week 6 - 8/11/22

This week we finished our radio recordings and I edited the radio show to include the jingle, songs, ads, recordings, and more.

Week 7 - 15/11/22

This week I worked further on finalizing the radio show edit and received feedback from our teacher Mr Nick, who told us to make some more jingles, which we did. He also told me to not include the jingle at the end of the song, instead to just allow the song to fizzle out as we talk over the end of the song, which I agreed sounded better and did that. Other than that, we finalized our logo and I also finished my critical self-reflection.

Week 8 - 25/11/22

This week I just focuses on my own blog to make sure that the content in each post is following all the contents 

Representation of Groups and People


We can see that Lebron being represented in The New York Times newspaper. We can see that Lebron is in positive light as the portrait of him is very bright with high color vibrance and he spread his arm with his trophy to show glad of victoriness.


But in this newspaper lebron is in negative light as he put his deep sadness face the color of their portrat is less vibrance

Radio Project - Team Introduction

Satria (Far Left), Theo (White Shirt),
Timo (Black Shirt Standing up), Me (Far Right Striped Shirt)

My team for this radio project consists of  Maxi, Satria, Timothy, and (me) Theo. I chose this group because I have worked with them in projects before and I know all of them personally. Other than that, all of them have a specific and important set of skills that will be useful in creating this radio show.

Timothy has a very loud voice and is an extrovert by nature. I believe he would make the perfect radio show host. He also has lots of the necessary equipment to make a good radio show. I am a artist and Iwould be the perfect person to make our radio logo and I also have experience in editing videos for projects . Meanwhile, Satria is a musician and knows the ins and outs of sound engineering, which would be important for when we record our radio segment. Maxi is writer where he would fit the position as director and he has the best idea. Also he is very fluent in speaking and loud voice like Timo which in result we decided that Timo and Maxi would become potential speakers in our upcoming radio show.

For all the reasons mentioned above and more i believe that this team is the perfect fit to create this radio show.

Here are the links to Satria's, Timo's and Maxi's blogs.

Radio Project - Brief


Radio Group(4max)

-Create a 15 minute radio segment(3 songs maximum)

-Create an advertisement to be featured on your show

-Create a logo for yo15-minute600-wordstation

-Track your progress on your blog

-Write a 600 word critical analysis of your work


Component 3 - Final Piece

 This Blog is written by me (Theo) Music Video: In case the video got any copyright issue here is the link to the music video Digipack: Fron...